Caution: There are story spoilers everywhere here, for multiple Final Fantasy games!
the darker side
The Rinoa/Ultimecia Theory
Can one thousand years turn a spirited hero into a jaded villain? Absolutely. The rumor that would have added much realism and twisted depth to the already convoluted storyline. |
the middle ground
Designing the Every Woman Speculating the considerations that went into her character design, how the designers tried to achieve their goal, and gamers' mixed reactions. |
Rescue Me!
Her brazen actions may get her into trouble often, but the princess completely saves your butt in the big picture, both mentally and physically. |
Sleep, the Cousin of Death The reasons for and meaning of Rinoa's mid-game coma. Spoilers for Final Fantasy 7. |
the lighter side
One Actress and Three Understudies An alternative to the usual doppergangers page, here's my passionate choice for Rinoa in a live action casting of FF8, and some special mentions to be fair. |
What is Rinoa's Job Class? Three theories on where Rinoa, who is notoriously difficult to classify, would fit into Final Fantasy's traditional job class system. |