♦ ♦ ♦ Anime Appearances
M I K E Y ' S E E V E E
In Episode 40 of the Pokemon anime, titled The Battling Eevee Brothers (literal translation is 4 Iibui Brothers), the protagonists find themselves at a house party in Stone Town. The eevee of this episode belongs to a young boy named Mikey. Mikey's three older brothers eahc have a Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporean, respectively, and demonstrate how evolution stones can induce evolution. They are pressuring Mikey to make a choice about evolving his eevee, and Mikey is too indecisive to tell him that he doesn't want to evolve Eevee. Inspired by Ash's stubborness with his own Pikachu, Mikey comes to terms with his own adversion to change and firmly decides to keep Eevee as he is.
G A R Y ' S U M B R E O N
Gary, the cheeky and irresistable rival of Ash, adds an eevee to his anime team, most likely to mirror how his Pokemon Yellow counterpart starts out with an Eevee. Gary's eevee first appears in Episode 116: The Rivalry Revival (literal translation is Rival Showdown! Satoshi vs Shigeru!). The protagonists have returned to Pallet Town, where they run into Gary. In the ensuing battle, Gary's Eevee defeats Ash's Pikachu. This episode marks the end of the cast's adventures in the Kanto region, and the foray into the next region, Johto. Gary later evolves this into an Umbreon.
S A K U R A ' S E S P E O N
Sakura is the youngest of the five Kimono Sisters, who all appear in Episode 183:Trouble's Brewing (literal translation is 5 Iibui Sisters! Battle at the Tea Convention). The Kimono Sisters are skilled innkeepers and tea ceremony practitioners that the protagonists befriend. Similar to the 4 Eevee Brothers, all the sisters except Sakura has an evolved form of eevee, while Sakura has an unevolved Eevee. Sakura struggles her desire to leave the inn and begin her journey as a Pokemon trainer. Later in Episode 226: Espeon Not Included (literally Effie and Sakura! Enju City once again!) we see that Sakura has evolved her Eevee into an Espeon.
M A Y ' S G L A C E O N
May, one of the protagonists and Ash's former travel companions, received an egg in Episode 424: May's Eggcellent Adventure (literal translation is Breeding House Practitioner and the Pokémon Egg!). In Episode 436: Time Warp Heals All Wounds, that egg hatched into Eevee and it has been a part of May's main team ever since. It is revealed that May evolved her Eevee into Glaceon when it debuted in Episode 542: A Full Course Tag Battle, an episode which heralded May's arrival in the Sinnoh meeting and her first encounter with her replacement, Dawn.